Autumn is Back To School
channels at your disposal (online and offline) to convey aunified message to your audience. For example, they can be integrated marketingcampaigns generated by specific events in your company: the launch of a newservice or product, a company anniversary, in the case of rebranding, or whenyou want to put particular emphasis on certain products or services you offer.Seasonality is another aspect to consider when thinking about themed 360marketing campaigns for your company.winter isChristmas, March is the arrival of spring and so on. Even if you tell yourselfthat all businesses exploit these opportunities and it seems that there isnothing more to say, or you tell yourself that it's not for you, or you can'tfind any way to
naturally connect with these moments (although we doubt it),the recommendation ours is that you don't miss the chance to promote yourselfin a new way to your audience. In other words, a promotion strategy based onunderstanding the behavior of your target audience withItaly WhatsApp Number Data clear objectives andrelevant actions can bring you a financial boost, notoriety and positioning inthe market. 6 tips for an effective 360 marketing campaign 1. Preparethematic campaigns ahead of time with online and offline actions that supportyour goals. You can start even 2 months in advance, especially for complexmarketing campaigns. 2. Establishes communication, commercial objectives. Whatdo you want to convey? 3. Then how do you want to get your message across?
The most important online communication channel is yourwebsite itself. If you have an online store, think about homepage banners,hellobar, bookmarks on relevant product pages, check-out bookmarks, supportingblog articles. In the case of a presentation site, flag the campaign on thehomepage, in a pop-up and link to a detailed blog article. 4. It's time torepurpose content - communicate the details on all the relevant communicationchannels you have - in social media posts, videos. Ads are not your marketingstrategy, they are only a small part of it. 5. Broadcast your message via anewsletter to your list of subscribers. Use techniques to increase the numberof subscribers, such as an ebook relevant to your campaign that increases brandtrust and