Accurate documentation of the theme is a so im ortant. By referring to it we won't have to gro e around trying to configure its functions. ay attention to the su ort and documentation of your chosen Word ress theme Test the res onsiveness of the theme Taking into account that nowadays ha f of the traffic on websites comes from mobi e devices the basic issue is that the website can be used as convenient y on smart hones or tab ets as on com uters.
Ada ting the age ayout to the dis ay size is res onsiveness. Current y it is ractica y im ossib e for themes not to be ada ted to su ort mobi e devices. Res onsivity however is not equa to each other so it is worth testing it Phone Number List yourse f. If we want to use a free theme just insta it and visit the website from a mobi e device. When we decide on a aid theme we can view demo websites on a smart hone or tab et.
On the convenience of navigation or the a earance of b og osts. Test the res onsiveness of your chosen Word ress theme Don't search end ess y The number of themes avai ab e in stores can be overwhe ming. It is worth s ending time choosing the o tima ro osa but et's not et too many ro osa s ara yze our work. Sometimes you have to decide on a so ution that is just good enough without ooking for the erfect so ution to start bui ding your website efficient y.