Artifact, an AI-Powered News Aggregator February 9, 2023 Would you like to receive more high-quality content like this and completely free of charge? Subscribe to receive our content by email and become a member of the Rock Content Community! Blog © 2013-2023 Rock Content Legal Rock Content Instagram Rock Content Facebook Rock Content Twitter Rock Content Youtube To the top Email * Rock Content needs the contact information you provided to give you news about our products and services. You can unsubscribe from receiving our emails and newsletters at any time. For more information
on how to do this, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to Fax Lists protecting it, please review our Privacy Policy . Email * Rock Content needs the contact information you provided to give you news about our products and services. You can unsubscribe from receiving our emails and newsletters at any time. For more information on how to do this, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting it, please review our Privacy Policy . What is the Edge
Computing trend and what is its relevance in the current context Edge Computing is also known as the next step in the Internet of Things. It has to do with the "real" devices that are connected to the Internet and the progress needed for increasingly complex data processing and analysis to take place near them. Ana Arboleda Oct 6, 19 | 8 min read what is the concept of edge computing The Internet of Things , or IoT , is growing rapidly. The use of devices such as smartphones, appliances with Internet access, sensors, cameras and drones, among others, brought about the need to process data more quickly. Edge Computing is one of the ways found to achieve faster technologies. Edge Computing optimizes the use of electronic devices that can con