Free guide >>> Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website Holiday April content ideas From somber to silly, there are dozens of reasons to celebrate and reflect in April. Build content around these events, and you’ll be in the perfect time to connect with your audience. Stress Awareness Month Stress affects everyone at some point. Stress Awareness Month is about understanding stress, identifying its causes, and taking steps to prevent it from overwhelming our daily lives. Use your April content to share some understanding and stress-less living ideas. April content ideas - Instagram post about foods that reduce stress.
Whether it’s on your blog or social media feeds, there are lots of ways to tackle the topic of stress: Allow a mental health professional to take over your social media account. Curate a list of foods that help reduce stress and manage the hormone Iceland Phone Number produces. Make a map of easy outdoor escapes for a natural salve to city stress. Publish a blog post on reducing stress for parents. Give your followers the stage and ask them how they reduce stress. National Humor Month Back in , author Larry Wilde observed that humor was useful in combating all sorts of ailments humor is the best medicine, after all.
A good chuckle. Let your imagination run wild on this one. Whatever tickles your funny bone and fits your brand’s style guide. is fair game. April content ideas - funny post on Instagram. Don’t hold back. Let the funny fly with these humor-filled ideas for April content: Share a knock-knock joke daily throughout the month. Give away tickets to a local comedy show social media giveaways are a great way to grow your following.. Ask followers to share their best dad jokes. Make a funny video ideas: .A day in the life of…. or .How not to use [your product]... Write a post that explains the physical benefits of laughter.