It has groups, files, plugins, great video, and, in ongoing projects, allows you to keep everything permanently in the same place.”] . Webcam yes or no? Don't obsess about your webcams being turned off. When I teach at university, where the whole class has their webcam turned off by default, they ask me many more questions than in person. The "webcam off" filter protects a lot and is not always a bad thing because if the webcam is turned off, the microphone opens much more willingly.
. Write during the lesson While teaching, always keep a .doc or GDoc sheet open and keep it visible often on the shared monitor . And take character notes as you explain or speak. You change the lives of your audience, beca Bosnia and Herzegovina WhatsApp Number use while they listen to you, they simultaneously have the notes you are taking before their eyes. At the end of the meeting, give them your note sheet. . Jamboards Use Jamboard , a free tool from Google that allows you to build graphs, diagrams and diagrams in real time.
It is collaborative software, and your class can participate with you in creating this document. What you see below is an image of work done in class with Jamboard. Get help from a graphics tablet, in they bring them with you. . Never exceed one hour of continuous teaching And it structures the time very rigidly; minute Warm Up (warm up) minutes of Workout (educational) minute rest (break). Exactly as if it were a Crossfit workout.