Facebook has established and this is precisely what leaves some skeptical and therefore not very convinced of this Facebook novelty. developer, who is at the origin of a new social network called Mastodon , is unconvinced by Mark Zuckerberg's proposal to make Facebook the place of a global community: " Facebook does not simply cannot give anyone the power to do anything, because that power will always reside, ultimately, in Facebook itself, which controls both the software, the servers, and the moderation policies.
The ultimate power is to give people the ability to create their own spaces, their own communities, to wedding photo editing service modify the software as they see fit, but without sacrificing the ability of people from different communities to interact with each other . , he wrote in an open letter partially translated by Numerama . Facebook: future online learning platform? We must not lose sight of the fact that % of developers who create applications for Facebook are outside the USA, which is certainly one of the reasons for creating “Facebook Developer Circles”.
This concept, which is a place for exchange and sharing, makes it possible to provide educational resources and supports which gives Facebook the possibility of currently testing new features within its community of developers which could make it possible to teach online to through the social network. But for now, there are several missing features that may prevent trainers from testing Facebook as an online learning platform no grading system for example . And beyond the features, some trainers are wary of teaching on Facebook, because.