You can say that a negative review is a problem. That there is a gap in the gears of your business a criticism of your work a crack in the relationship of trust that you strive to build with the clients of your business. Therefore the defensive reaction is the one that always appears first in your mind. But leaving aside the acts of sabotage carried out by competitors [it happens it's a reality shame on them] genuine negative reviews left.
By customers can bring to light problems that you and your team either didn't know about or considered that the situation is not so bad so it goes as well. Well it seems that it cannot go on like this indefinitely.of a customer who was so interested in what Job Function Email List you have to offer and had such high expectations from you that when he felt cheated he considered it appropriate to and steal from his valuable time to express his displeasure.
So what could be worse for your business than an unhappy customer Answer an unsatisfied customer who on top of that feels ignored. Of course he may choose to ignore you in turn at some point and in the end you will lose him for good. Well so what There are still enough clients for me in the market it's not the end of the world you say to yourself. And maybe it is so but an unsatisfied customer will do much more harm to your business than writing a negative review on sight; instead.