at least a few times a week. hybrid work environment trendsWhat we're going to talk about Most Canadian employees in hybrid mode go to theoffice 2 to 3 times per week Mandatory days at the office are less common inQuebec More than half of the employees surveyed in Quebec have their own officeNearly half of employees are very satisfied with safety in their workplace 3tips for managing a hybrid work environment A hybrid work environment combinesremote work and office work, providing various possibilities for where work canbe done. The number of employees working in a hybrid mode has more than tripledsince January 2022, to be attractive.In such a context, the question office managers must ask
themselves is: "How to manage a hybrid work environmentthat meets everyone's needs?" To answer this question, we surveyed 1,021part-time and full-time employees (including 174 in Quebec) working at least afew days from an office. In the first article dedicated to Bulgaria Mobile Number List this investigation,we studied the advantages and disadvantages of two types of workspaces:coworking spaces (or "coworking" in English) and private offices(dedicated to a single company). We also provided advice on how to manageoffices using facilities management tools that provide an overview of thepremises and better manage its usage. In this second article, we'll look atgeneral trends in hybrid work and discuss equipment, policies, and employeepreferences. You will find the full

methodology of this survey at the bottom of this article.Most Canadian employees in hybrid mode go to the office 2 to 3 times per weekIf you're considering setting up a work environment for a team, it may behelpful to learn more about how hybrid employees in Canada use their physicaloffices. According to our survey, 69% of these employees surveyed nationwidetravel to their workplace two to three times a week. The office attendance rateis similar in Quebec, where 68% of those surveyed go there just as often.Hybrid work statistics regarding frequency of on-site visits Some companies maythink that a clear injunction to return to the office is necessary to put anend to a supposed loss of productivity. However, this would result in a lack of