PatientsLikeMe an online patient case data sharing platform was founded in by engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Five years ago one of their friends was diagnosed with ALS and Lou Gehrigs disease so they started looking for reference cases from around the world. Unfortunately Unfortunately there are not many cases to refer to. So they came up with the idea of setting up a case search platform to build a health data sharing platform through a team approach. They believed that such a data platform could change the fate of patients and allow more patients to find solutions through similar cases.
Today PatientsLikeMe has developed into a forprofit company. transparency and storing it in an open platform where patients can share and learn in real time find similar case data and Improve the lives of pati Job Seekers Phone Numbers List ents and save the lives of others. Based on the patientfirst model they followed this concept when they were established in so now they have successfully become the largest case collection website for many rare disease patients doctors and scholars to learn and share helping the same patients to cure together and from the value It is argued that this is also the main condition for their success.
Now in coupled with the impact of the epidemic many ordinary people are actually paying more attention to their own health. However our patient management model is still stuck in the traditional model decades ago. Whether patient management can be saasized is not important. What is important There is a platform that can really help these patients. Music continues to increase prices but NetEase Cloud Music membership prices decrease Shen Tong Business focus on comments views favorites minutes Bside product managers need to consider more about the functionality stability security compliance etc. of the product while Cside product managers need to consider more about the ease of use of the product.