However, since Penguin, some people have realized that there could really be something to the theory “ Too many money keywords in anchor texts are harmful ” (written BEFORE Penguin, by the way, here is even an article from 2008 ). In the 2011 study, 28% of all anchor texts examined (of the websites examined) were money keywords such as “credit”. Back then I thought that on average that was too much, especially today! Link networks and unnatural link patterns Anyone who gets links from large networks can run into problems. Google has declared war on link sales in particular .
Private” networks, even if they come from different IPs, have been systematically dismantled India Car Owner Phone Number List since Google Penguin and the links are devalued or rated negatively . Sidewide links, footer links and too many links of one type (e.g. blog comments, social bookmarks) also damage the ranking. In the past, projects were built up until they were at number 1 and then left behind. Today, something like that is hardly possible anymore because Google of course also looks at the links over time . And important: Google Penguin can also be relevant for individual HTML documents : sometimes it's really just a matter of one or two links with anchor texts too many.

The quality of the linking pages also plays a certain role, but it already did that before Penguin. Unnatural Links Warning in Webmaster Tools Actually, this message that many website operators received in the webmaster tools does not belong to Google Penguin . Anyone who received such a message had a Google employee on their site who looked at the links manually . The penalty is therefore also manual and can only be canceled manually (but there are probably automatic tests after certain periods of time).